A friend's definition of what a smart person is: smart is getting what you want. Knowing how to use your resources to achieve your goal. If this is the definition, am I smart?
posted by The Wizard
Hum. Well. Do you get what you want? Or does what you want only come about because you've lowered your goals and expectations? I think sometimes you're a bit too lucky and happy to be content with what's in your life. Maybe more lucky actually.
posted by Tin Man
I usually get what I want. But not really because I do anything. I don't put effort into many things. Stuff just happens and "works out." I'm on the high end of the cosmic karma circle. Everything comes up roses for me. Even in the darkest of moments. So I don't really know if I'm "getting what I want."
posted by The Wizard
This is a great definition by the way. Because all the intelligence, self control, stability and whatever else, doesn't do jack for you unless you know how to apply it to achieve something. That's a smart person. A happy person. An accomplished person. Don't you think?
posted by Tin Man
I agree. So again, am I smart?
posted by The Wizard
Crap. How should I know? Let's go with "no" so you have some room for improvement.
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