elvis has left the building. for the first time in a week. i'm alone. nobody is passing out on the couch. the guest room isn't full. scrabble boards, chess pieces, beer, bags, suitcases and DVDs aren't littering the house. and i feel empty. but that's natural. i need sound around me to survive. in lieu of people, i crank up the TV, bust out the CDs and try to pretend that it's light outside. pathetic. i know. but at least now i'll have a second to do some phone calls, return some emails and take care of adult type things.
james did some photo shoot stuff at the house yesterday. complete with cool lights and strobes and little gadgets. it'll be interesting to see how they turn out. we need to all gather our talents together and make something. because without creation, we are nothing. and plus, i'm tired of clubbing. give me a board game, some beer, friends and many many hours and i'm good to go.
gosh. i hate this "everybody gone" feeling. it's the pits. i think i'm only happy when i'm skirting responsibility and flying around from place to place, doing inconsequential social things. it's not much of a balanced life. but it's a life nonetheless.
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