It's coming to the end of two weeks here. I can drive now. I tool around in my little ghetto Escort, trying to stay in my lane and hoping to death that i don't stall. The voltage is too high and my shaver makes this horrible buzzing noise so that i'm contemplating starting to grow my hair back right now. But that's gonna be an ugly process so i'll see what happens.
My computer has 8MB of RAM and sitting there waiting for it is the most insane thing in the world. On the flip side, i eat three meals a day, sleep a good 8 hours a day and actually get up at a decent hour for the first time since high school.
I've learned some teenage slang...."wazz" is akin to bathroom and the corresponding word for "wack" might be "ming"....i don't actually know how to use that but i'm assured that it can be plugged in for any situation. "Uh, that's so ming!" "Mingers!" Try it. Tell me how you get on.
Listening to the radio here, they have these mini quizzes and they ask what everyone's hobbies are. Pretty much you can be assured that anyone who answers says something like this: "I like walks in the country, i like dogs, i like gardening, go {insert English soccer team}!!!" Lotta variety these people.
I feel like Walt Whitman (i meant Henry David Thoreau) at Walden.
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