Rarely are days as packed as this. And it's only a touch over midnight. Dance 2XS from UIUC came down today with like fourteen of their people for Dance 2XS tryouts. I met some of them at Pizza House with Babbs and then walked them over to the League for auditions. Auditions were pretty fun, got to learn Helen and Amy's stuff and watched UIUC perform. They are mad tight and they put so much energy into all their moves, very impressive.
funKtion left auditions early and went bowling for a bit with most of the UIUC people. We ended up competing against them but it wasn't even a challenge because everyone on our side was bowling out of their mind. Steve for one started off with five straight strikes so that pretty much told the story from our end. It was a fun time though, everyone was having a lot of fun being silly and cheering and stuff. I suck at bowling. Horribly. George is a better bowler than i am...but still, it's a fun time.
After bowling we went to go watch Babbs perform at Espresso Royale. He was doing a set with his friends Joe Reilly and Will. Joe plays the guitar and sings while Babbs and Will "rap" and do verses over his stuff. Babbs and Will also stick in various poetry and spoken word in between the songs. All in all, their show is pretty amazing. I was very impressed by Babbs as usual and very impressed by Will (who performs a lot like Saul Williams). I know they'll be doing more gigs so continued luck to them in the future. As i said, it's been a long day and i'm still in the prep phase for a night of partying at Helen and Julia's.
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