I'm here. We got in last night around midnight. Michigan is freezing right now. I don't know why but the weather is ridiculous. As Sam calls it, it's "Brick City" out here. Had a talk yesterday at Palak's yesterday about what the US should do and basically heard about some of the stuff going on out here. People are getting spit on, beat up, threatened, the whole works. It's saddening yet totally expected to realize that a place of "higher education" is still full of bigots and idiots.
I'm quite happy i'm here actually...some friends in the city are leaving because it's getting a little more crazy in the city. A place next to Mandisa's work had to be evacuated because of a bomb threat (yes, how original) so she had enough and she's out. Anne, Amy and Vivian are out. Speaking yesterday to people, it was interesting to hear what they thought about Bush's statements and the US's threats and "seek and destroy" mentality. Alrite, i gotta go shower. Later.
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