Wednesday, May 30, 2001

This isn't normally a subject matter i would broach publicly but it's just too amusing to keep it under wraps.

Yesterday, my roommate (i won't identify which one in order to protect his identity) went out to get some much needed toilet paper and returned with rolls that were so thin and cellophane-like that they were probably rejected for public bathroom use and somehow ended up on our grocery store shelves. We got an extra 25% (giving us an astonishing 1250 sheets per roll) from each roll but that really meant nothing because this stuff was so thin that you were basically using rice paper as a sanitary device. It's not good when you have to sit there and pull out a mile of toilet paper just to have enough not to see through it.

The name of this fine product? "Soft Weve" Stay away from it. It is not soft, it is not strong, it does not last long. The only positive i can think of about this product is that it will never clog your toilet because it would probably disintegrate on contact with water. Needless to say, we are returning to the store today to purchase some real cottony Charmin' toilet paper.

The moral of this story? Don't skimp when purchasing sanitary products, especially those you count on to protect your hands. And also this fine nugget of wisdom, "Never send a boy to do a man's job."

Tuesday, May 29, 2001

My we're "prickly" today. I guess that's my "cue" to "shut up."
...Well, stop it. It's annoying.
I dunno, i just do that sometimes...

Monday, May 28, 2001

Could you stop with the "..."? Why do you have to quote them? Do they not mean the same thing when you say them or something?
That's true. It didn't exactly turn out to be the experimental week i was expecting but things worked out much better in the end. I retained my sanity and also got some good "people" time in. Oh, and i explored the city more and got out a bit. All in all, not a bad week of "summer."
Well, let's not mislead people. You weren't really alone. Randall and Gerard were here until Wednesday. You saw people Thursday and then did have most of Friday alone until around midnite. All in all i would say that you weren't alone for more than 16 hours at a time, hardly solitary confinement.
I'm proud to report that i've emerged from solitary confinement still happy and whole. In fact i'm quite possibly happier than i was a week ago.

Friday, May 18, 2001

Well, if i start screaming around Tuesday then send someone over.
I'll see what i can do...have fun......*silence*
I would come over but i find it highly amusing that you'll be all alone (and afraid of the dark to boot). I'm gonna go organize a "Boycott the Wizard Week."
Yeah, i've thought about that but i figure i might as take this opportunity to try to be alone and maybe i'll reach some sort of Zen bliss or something. But if not, i'm gonna have to resort to tricking people to come over and hang out. They even took the cat.
Basically. I can't handle not having people around. Hanging around by myself for that long will make me freak out. I'm not even kidding.
Well, you better invite some people over or something lest your roommates come back to find you all spazzed out and lacking any mental cohesion.
Let me guess...this will be a boo-hoo "i'm so lonely" spiel?
Well...yeah. But look, it's significant because i'm gonna be all ALONE in my apartment for a week. The last time i had to spend a whole week physically alone would be like....
Today my roommates left me. Pan left a week ago but Lynnchen left today (after a two hour ordeal to get to the airport which is normally fifteen minutes away)...

Thursday, May 10, 2001

Well heck...I had fun. Why you gotta make everything so melodramatic and deep? Suck it up and deal with it. You had your one last ride and now it's time to move forward. Just enjoy what you got. Whiny bastard. Sheesh.
So i just came back a couple of days ago from an extended trip back to Michigan. Originally I was to only stay a weekend but that stretched into a week, and then eventually i ended up staying for close to two weeks. I missed two flights back and ended up driving back from Ann Arbor to DC to New Jersey.

Why stay so long and "waste" so much money?

Well, the conclusion i've come to is that i just can't quite let go yet. Of college. Of having tons and tons of friends around. Not necessarily doing anything but just having them "around." It's like suddenly i'm back in New York and i feel dull. Less shiny. Less vibrant. My energy level dropped like crazy (i slept like 4 hours a night in Michigan but already i've slept at least 8 a day here).

It's sad but true. Also a tad pathetic.

The trip back has made me think about alot of things, mainly concerning aspects of my "life" as i've constructed it and that sends my mind spinning. I hope to figure out stuff soon but in the meantime i feel like i'm experiencing the hangover after a two week high.