Sunday, February 11, 2001

I'm in the process right now of saving all the accumulated email from my college career onto my computer at home. In addition, my friend sent me some emails that we used to exchange, dating back to three or four years ago. It's striking to see how my "tone" has changed and also how utterly stupid I sounded at times. While it obviously doesn't sound like a whole other person, it definitely makes me cringe at the thought that, "This is me?!?" I look back over the thoughts and actions that have come since those emails and it occurs to me that most of the questions and desires i wanted then have been answered within the last two years. A positive thing no doubt. I encourage everyone to save their college emails, if only to trace the arc of their "maturation" process.

Tuesday, February 6, 2001

With a ringing endorsement like that maybe he'll make it a whole two weeks this time. You should really work on keeping a pet rock alive first. I was saying. My puffer died. (He was a figure eight puffer) He had ick. I had no idea what ick was but apparently it's a parasitic fungus that fish get when they are stressed or the temperature changes alot. So my fish suffered from both of those. It's in a small tank (3 gallons) so that contributed to it. But let me tell you. Ick is sick. It starts off as little fuzzy things on his fins, and his body and his eyes. Then it gets really bad, like fuzzy algae everywhere. My poor puffer didn't make it because I got the medicine too late. But next time, I promise to do a better job.
Do you really have the time to getting into specifics now?
That's three words.
I wouldn't exactly use "action" or "excitement" to describe your life. "Monotonous" and "without direction" though are two words that spring to mind.
Well fine. I was just trying to give it a more dramatic ring. Action orientated writing doesn't dwell in "yesterdays" and the past. Movement demands the "now". I'm trying to be more exciting.
You're such a liar. He/she/it didn't die today. It was yesterday. Actually, considering the time it was two days ago.
Today, my fish died. Exactly ten days after he was brought home.