Sunday, December 20, 2009

Select One

I've got a gripe. People who don't reply to an "are you in/out" email. Yes, I'm talking about you. I know, I know, for awhile I was against Evites, but that was because I could pretty readily assumed to be going. It's not like I have much to do. But when people are trying to make plans and particular people choose to not respond until the last minute, or to not respond on at all, well, it's rude.

Case in point. For our SF trip a few weeks ago, one friend continually called the other to confirm if they were going. We needed head counts, needed to arrange tickets to Stevie Wonderfull on Saturday night, and nobody knew if he was actually coming. Emails, calls, texts, and repeat repeat over, there was still no word. When we finally got him on the line, he pretty much lied that he'd gotten his ticket. I said "fuck it" and just let him fend for himself.

The same thing tends to happen when people are in relationships or have kids. Really? You're so busy that a quick "Sorry, can't make it" email can't come out of your smartphone? I find that hard to believe. So answer or be counted out. That's all I have to say.