smellibacya state of involuntary celibacy brought on by bad hygiene.
"i wouldn't swear by it but i think gene's smellibacy is over."showflakeperson who chronically misses every event after committing to it.
"is babbs gonna be here? or is he pulling a showflake again?"guyatusa hiatus from guys.
"i don't think lilly's coming out tonight, she's still on guyatus."helicoptera significant other who finds it necessary to hover around his or her mate at all times.
"gawd, i wish james would quit being such a helicopter." foxymoronone who is incredibly dumb but incredibly cute, who simultaneously attracts and repels.
"i don't know why des insists on going out with all these foxymorons."mouse potatothe wired generation's answer to the couch potato.
"xtina's lack of wireless is really holding her back from becoming a full fledged mouse potato."hobeaua less-than-hygienic boyfriend.
"better open the window. here comes tabitha and her hobeau."nontouragea group of undesirable sycophants.
"the party was fun until victor showed up with his nontourage."drimmingdrunk instant-messaging.
"meggo's my all time favorite drimmer."NUMP/NUWTobnoxious party-invite acronyms. "no ugly men, please/no ugly women, thanks."
"hotel pan insists on a strict O(nly)UMP/OUWT policy."ghagacronym. girl-hating girl. the one whose only friends are guys.
"isn't it obvious? george(tte)'s a total ghag."staremastergym dandies who constantly check themselves out in the mirror.
"i hate going to the gym with galvez, he's such a staremaster."biphonalholding multiple phones to your ears or in front of you at the same time.
"is ameer really that popular? does he really need to go biphonal?scumacronym. self-centered undeserving male.
"may says, 'all men are scum.'"HIT"homosexual-in-training." he may not know it yet, but everyone else does.
"jimmy sure likes to play gay chicken a lot, is he a HIT-man?""i have that t-shirt."been there, done that.
guy 1: "i totally hooked up with lynn last night."guy 2: "i have that t-shirt."e-maulingstalking someone via e-mail.
"i wish jon g would e-maul me..."reverse evolution princes (r.e.p.)men who at first seem to be princes but turn out to be frogs.
"of course i left her at the altar, that's what real men do. i had to maintain our r.e.p. bro!"beighborhoodarea populated by good-looking people.
"she must be visiting, there's no way she lives in this beighborhood."fifty-footersomeone who looks really attractive from 50 feet away. closer examination reveals...
"i hate e-street, it's filled with fifty-footers." group called "failed lovers against caller id."
don't say you haven't been there. we all have.blamestorminga meeting whose sole purpose is to discuss why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.
crappuccinoa poorly made coffee beverage that cost upwards of four dollars.
thanks to je-yi and the hard working folk at daily candy.
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