Sunday, October 3, 2004

where does he get those wonderful toys? i got me a limited edition classic nes game boy advance. i figure i needed a reward after so many hours of video game playing. some people say that i just pissed away ninety dollars. but i say, "i've bought what i deserve!" of course, this could HAVE been one hundred dollars spent towards my sidekick two but money is more valuable being spent than being saved. confucius say. anyway, there's a sick joy that accompanies any purchase over fifty dollars -- which is the amount that i define as "a big purchase." it's like "wow, i just spent money on something i totally don't need but i had to have. and i'll have to skip lunch for a week. hahahaha!" i'm just exercising my freedoms as far as i'm concerned. my freedom to starve and indulge in worldly pleasures. if people are fasting for religion, the least i can do is fast for gadgets.

i've limited myself to buying only two games for my game boy -- this is my ultra responsible side -- astro boy: omega factor and chessmaster. now if only i could find all my old game boy games. and if only i had somewhere to go that i might actually use a portable game system. this is the downfall of an impulse buy. it's like i want to get a game boy, a laptop and a portable email machine. but where do i go that i'm not ten feet away from a tv or a computer? form just doesn't fit funktion in this case.

my reasoning is that if i did have a laptop and/or portable email, i would go places other than work or my living room. i could go to quaint coffeeshops to read and write, i could venture out into the world to chat with interesting strangers. i could immerse myself in the environment of my peers. i could aim with friends from across the room while we're at a crowded and noisy bar -- in case i ever decide to leave the protective bubble of my friends when i go out. "411 man, u go 2 bar? cool. go get me a h2o with xtra ice yeah? thnx."

oh the delicious possibilities. i could do all these things if only i got the appropriate technologies first. instead of being a globetrotter in need of portability, i'd rather become portable after i'm wi-fi enabled. this is like buying a snowboard because that would be good motivation to start snowboarding. this my friends, is going full on ass backwards. or is it?

i'm also trying to design a bag (man purse) or a utility belt that will hold all my gadgets securely and protectively. so far the only people i know that can make bags are mostly knitters or sewers and while that is a great skill to have, a knitted utility belt just doesn't scream "cutting edge" or "superhero." does anyone know how to work leather involving lots of straps and pockets? i mean, anyone besides *ahem*. i would call people out but i don't want to reveal dirty little secrets to the world.