don't fake the funk on the nasty dunk. as you've probably surmised, the last picture wasn't really me. well, it was me, just digitally enhanced. photoshop is kinda crazy. never trust your eyes. traditionally, the eyes are the most trustworthy of senses. but with the rise of digital manipulation and computer graphics, the eyes will deceive you more often than not. so now we are left with five senses that can all be easily confused. however, let us suspend disbelief for awhile and believe that i can really dunk and that i can really jump. because that would be my fondest dream, to dunk just once. once god! once!
and james made it happen with a little bit of manipulation. he raised me up and raised the rim, so it looks like i'm three feet off the floor. there was no trampoline, there was no big hops, i don't even think there was a made basket. however, there were eight foot rims and a couple of dorks. inspired by kyle's pictures, we had to take advantage of james' new camera and show the elementary school kids how it's done.
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