Tuesday, June 18, 2002

solitary confinement (or) gee, it's really fucking dark in here. yesterday, they turned the lights out on me. not for some sick sadistic cruel-and-unusual punishment. but because the building needed something or other fixed. i'm not sure what. either way. i prepped myself by buying candles and a flashlight. and i bought bread. and peanut butter. but that was just for kicks.

i mentioned i'm all alone right? the sales manager is away...

anyhow. the lights were supposed to go out at eight. never happened. i was online until ten, wondering when the lights would go off. i was kind of looking forward to some time in perfect darkness. just me myself and my imagination. to think. to dream. to live again. good lord i'm full of shit. aniwaise. to prolong a short story. the lights didn't go off until eleven. and by then i was sleepy. so my planned search for enlightenment by candlelight was destroyed by the same forces that sparked it in the first place.

they are also pounding giant holes in the wall to create a closet. let me tell you how annoying that is. but i try to block it out. i'm good at that. tonight, the lights go off again. maybe this time they'll do it right and leave me creeped out on time. i'm also slightly afraid of the dark. but no matter. i'll talk to myself in different voices and pretend one of you guys is here with me. but if one of you does come to surprise me tonight. no touching. that'll just freak me out. i'll scream like a little girl. and i'm not kidding. so keep your hands to yourself.