Saturday, April 6, 2002

it's an extremely lazy sunday here at the factory. most of the kids are gone and i have hours and hours to kill. meetings are going on all around me but i'm not yet involved in them. i got a chance to play some basketball with some of the workers. they were impressed with my chinese. but only because they thought i knew nothing. small victory i guess. i'm worried that i'll be in this weird social sphere here. it's like i'm the new kid at school. this is first grade all over again. i don't speak their language and they don't speak mine. and they all know who i am. it's strange. i'm not even really sure how to begin communicating with them, except on the basketball court. i'm afraid of going to the fourth floor where they all hang out. i imagine walking up there and having everyone stop what they're doing and just stare. i need you george. haha.

i can't get AIM to work. i don't know if there's a firewall or something. this sucks. i have all this time i could be using to chat and yet i'm stuck here, behind something or other, preventing me from reaching the outside world. talk about frustration. can you believe a week ago i was in michigan?