Sunday, November 18, 2001

It's a little difficult to comprehend all that has happened in the past week. I was informed late last Thursday night that my father had passed away in China. Right now i am at his factory in Lang Gang, an hour outside of Beijing. We arrived here on Thursday after a weekend of waiting at San Diego for a replacement for my lost passport. I flew home last Friday but due to my missing passport my mom went ahead to China while me and George waited. Life had undeniably changed but the weekend in San Diego, at home, with friends was almost eerily "normal." Despite this awkwardness, i am really glad i had a few days to collect myself before we headed out here.

My father owns a woodwinds company that has factories in China and Taiwan, as well as various offices around the world... the state of the company was a question that weighed heavily upon everyone's minds. Amidst the shock and the grief of my father's passing, decisions had to be made very soon about what direction the company would now be headed. I had basically come to the conclusion that at some point i would have to become involved in the company, in whatever capacity was necessary. This kind of left me in fear that i would come to China and immediately have to stay to learn and the help.

As things have progressed i've gotten a bigger glimpse of what my role will be like in the upcoming years. I probably won't be uprooted to China immediately. I will be out of New York. I probably will finish school. I probably will be home for Thanksgiving. I might be home for Xmas.

It's amazing for me to sit here and see my father's new factory, something that he had always wanted me to see. It is huge and employs and houses 170+ workers. In speaking with many of my father's friends and workers i've had the chance to fully grasp how much my dad has built while i've been off recklessly enjoying life.

Thanks to everyone who thought of us and know that your support is much appreciated.