Wow. Two whole days in the city and it's not even the weekend yet. Met up with Victor and Louis for lunch near Penn Station and then shopped around the area for a bit. Picked up a $3 shirt (!!!) and a hideous Old Navy Shirt that i love but i don't think anyone else will. After that, i headed over to Amit's to chill with him and Gerard. Got some interesting talk going on before we ordered a pizza and downed a beer or two.
We all planned to go watch Jurassic Park 3 tonight so we met up at ESPN Zone but ended up eating at Appleby's due to time constraints. Of course the movie was typical Jurassic Park: lots of screaming, running and dinosaurs. I set my expectations real low but i was really excited to see the dinosaurs and that part didn't disappoint (the pterodactyls were awesome). I can't even actually say the acting was bad, just the plot. Keep your eye on the animals and ignore everything else. A trailer for Ice Age, this new animated movie coming out in March, was hilarious as hell and a nice bonus before the movie.
On a funny life note. There's this girl who Brian and Hong have been telling me looks like Stacey One for years and years. They always point her out on campus and make me try to see the similarities. I of course don't agree but the funny thing was that she kicked it with us at dinner tonite because it turns out she's a friend of Gerard's. Ok, it's not really funny but highly amusing to see weird occurences like that happen. She asked me an interesting question though; "what's your motivation (in life)?" I didn't actually have a real good answer for that but i'll have to think about it. It came about in context of discussing what i want to do and what i plan to do as far as jobs and career and such.
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