Thursday, May 10, 2001

So i just came back a couple of days ago from an extended trip back to Michigan. Originally I was to only stay a weekend but that stretched into a week, and then eventually i ended up staying for close to two weeks. I missed two flights back and ended up driving back from Ann Arbor to DC to New Jersey.

Why stay so long and "waste" so much money?

Well, the conclusion i've come to is that i just can't quite let go yet. Of college. Of having tons and tons of friends around. Not necessarily doing anything but just having them "around." It's like suddenly i'm back in New York and i feel dull. Less shiny. Less vibrant. My energy level dropped like crazy (i slept like 4 hours a night in Michigan but already i've slept at least 8 a day here).

It's sad but true. Also a tad pathetic.

The trip back has made me think about alot of things, mainly concerning aspects of my "life" as i've constructed it and that sends my mind spinning. I hope to figure out stuff soon but in the meantime i feel like i'm experiencing the hangover after a two week high.